Council Bylaws


Grants Awarded

Past Projects

Request for Proposals

& Reports

Useful Information

Community Wildfire
Protection Plan

Council Directors

Calaveras Alert Registration

2016 Calaveras County Emergency Operation Plan


About Us



The Board Meetings are held on Fourth Thursday
of the month at 1:30pm 
The Aug Meeting has been cancelled
The next meeting will be on Sept 26
at Bear Valley Fire Station, 88 Bear Valley Rd 
Bear Valley, CA 95223

Current Projects

Door-to-Door Chipper Program:

This program has expired.

The Seniors and Disabled Defensible Space Program:

This program for 2024 is now available. Please click below to download the application.

Senior Application

enior Application 


Tree Mortality

"Millions of trees in the Sierras and Central Coast are continuing to die off at an alarming rate from a lethal combination of drought, a bark beetle epidemic and warmer temperatures." --- 

Visit this Calaveras County Web page for more information on this epidemic.

Also visit the Cal Fire  Forest Management Task Force web page for additional information.



Copyright © 2023 Calaveras Foothills Fire Safe Council